
An extraction involves the complete removal of a tooth and/or its roots. This is normally carried out when a tooth/root presents with a very poor prognosis due to it having a major issue associated with it.

Each tooth is different, and some will come out a lot easier than others. There are many factors which can affect the difficulty of an extraction. As with any procedure, there are always possible risks and complications involved and it is therefore important that you are fully aware of these prior to consenting to the proposed treatment. Your dentist will discuss these with you prior to your treatment.

Before the procedure begins, you will be given local anaesthetic to ensure the tooth and surrounding area is numb. Your dentist will carefully check that it has gone completely numb before removing your tooth. You may feel pressure during the extraction but there should be no pain. Once your dentist has removed your tooth, they will explain the recovery and aftercare process. It is a good idea to have some painkillers readily available for when you get home. It is important that you come back if you start to experience increased discomfort after a few days as this may be a sign of an infection that could be easily remedied.